Where Investing Aligns With Faith | Biblically Responsible Investing for RIAs

What is Biblically Responsible Investing?

Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) goes by many names. It's also called Faith Driven Investing (FDI) Morally Responsible Investing, Faith Based Investing, and Christian Investing, among others. 

Faith Driven Investor defines it like this:

“As Christians, we seek to make God a part of every decision we make. The way we parent, lead, serve and spend. What if we could align all our investments with God’s heart? And in the process, have a disproportionately positive impact on the world? Since God owns everything, our investments aren’t just ours. They are put into our hands to steward, for His glory and for the flourishing of the world.”

Kingdom Advisors, an organization for Christian financial professionals defines it as:

"Investing that seeks to please and glorify God as a vital act of worship."

Both definitions encompass the crux of Biblical investing; it's a way for Christian investors to integrate our faith with our finances and honor the Lord with our wealth.


Why Biblically Responsible Investing?

Fact 1: Everything is God's, including our wealth

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him." -Psalm 24:1

Fact 2: Stock investing equates to ownership

"Holding a company's stock means that you are one of the many owners (shareholders) of a company and, as such, you have a claim (albeit usually very small) to everything the company owns. As an owner, you are entitled to your share of the company's earnings as well as any voting rights attached to the stock." -Investopedia

Fact 3: We're called to use our wealth for the glory of God

"Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops." -Proverbs 3:9

So if we know that everything is God's and that stock investing constitutes ownership, then how do we honor God with our investments?  

For one, we can avoid investing in companies that intentionally harm others for the sake of profit. In addition, through research and fundamental analysis we can invest in companies that seek to create value and have positive impact for all stakeholders. This approach helps align our investment portfolio with scripture and gives us peace of mind that we are not profiting from the abuses of others.

When we own companies that profit from the weaknesses and addictions of others, we're taking advantage of the very same people God calls us to love. At the heart of it, Biblically Responsible Investing is about loving God and loving others.

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
— Jesus

In summary, because we are called to honor God through the stewardship of our wealth, we should not be using God’s resources to bring harm to others, but rather seek out investments in companies that positively impact others. When we do so, we are investing to the glory of God, and investing itself becomes an act of worship.

How Do I Implement Biblically Responsible Investing?

Biblically Responsible Investing has been around for decades, but it's only recently started gaining traction with investors and advisors. In fact, what started as a small movement has grown into something much bigger with billions of dollars currently allocated to Biblically Responsible Investing strategies. Also, there are more BRI mutual funds and ETFs available today than ever before.

As an advisor considering implementing Biblically Responsible Investing, it can be a bit overwhelming. Schedule a call with our team to learn more and gain some clarity on how you can use Biblically Responsible Investing in your business.
